Is Integration Hard?
What is it that makes it so hard? (Via Technology Integration in Education.)
Oh, I’ve heard the excuses. I only have one computer and 20 kids. It never
works right. I don’t trust the kids on it by themselves. The Internet is always
down. I just don’t have time. Valid excuses? Debatable. Pencils break; kids have
to share glue; they cut their hair with their scissors. But nobody ever gives up
on those tools. I’ve never heard a teacher say, “We’re not using scissors, due
to fact that they can be very dangerous for a 5 year old, we will tear
everything by hand this year.” Yes, we’ve learned to work around the negatives
of these tools; we know how to train children to use them; we make them a
priority in our budget; we take the time to teach the kids to use them; they
cannot and will not be replaced.
What do you think? Is it hard to integrate technology? Why?